Diversify Your Income and Boost Your Salon’s Financial Stability

As a salon owner, finding ways to diversify your income is crucial to maximising your business potential and financial stability. Side hustles can provide additional revenue streams that complement your main services and leverage your existing skills and resources. In this blog, we’ll explore five ultimate side hustles tailored for salon owners.

Whether you’re interested in selling products, creating educational content, or offering personalised coaching, there’s a side hustle here for you.

Sell Other People’s Stuff Through Affiliate Partnerships

Affiliate marketing is a fantastic way to earn additional income by promoting products you love and use. By partnering with brands that align with your niche, you can earn a commission for every sale made through your unique affiliate link.

How It Works: Sign up for affiliate programs with brands that offer products related to your salon services. Promote these products to your clients and followers through social media, email newsletters, or in-salon displays.

Benefits: Minimal upfront investment, easy to integrate into your existing marketing efforts.

Earnings: Typically, you can earn 20-50% of each sale made through your affiliate link.

My Experience: I’ve sold other people’s programs where I get 40% of a £2000 program which can be £800 just for sharing a few posts.

Potential Income: If you sell just two affiliate products per week, and each product gives you a £400 commission, you can make £3,200 a month and £38,400 a year.

Alternative Example: Sell 10 x £100 products a week and get 50% = £500 a week just selling someone else’s program.

Add Links to Your Socials: Share your affiliate links on your social media profiles, stories, and posts.

Website Integration: Create a dedicated section on your website to promote these products with your affiliate links.

Community Groups: Share your links in relevant community groups or forums where potential buyers are active.

Personal Testimonials: Share how the product helped you, then include your affiliate link.

Email Campaigns: Include affiliate links in your email newsletters and updates.

Video Reviews: Create video content reviewing the products and include your affiliate link in the description.

Resell Rights

Acquiring resell rights allows you to buy the licence to resell other people’s products and keep 100% of the sale. This can be particularly profitable if you choose products that resonate well with your client base.

How It Works: Purchase a licence to resell a product. Promote and sell it as it is under the brand or in some cases make it your own if it has white label resale rights, keeping all the profits.

Benefits: High profit margins, control over pricing and marketing.

Earnings: Varies depending on the product and your sales volume.

My Experience: I have digital courses I sell for up to £1,997.

Potential Income: Selling one course per week at £1,997 can make you £7,988 a month and £95,856 a year.

Dedicated Sales Page: Create a compelling sales page on your website or use a provided sales page from the brand.

In-Salon Promotions: Use in-salon marketing materials to promote the resell products.

Social Media Campaigns: Run targeted social media ads and organic posts.

Partnerships: Partner with other businesses to cross-promote each other’s products.

Course Creator

Turn your expertise into a digital course that you can sell repeatedly. This is an excellent way to share your knowledge and skills with a wider audience while generating passive income.

How It Works: Develop a structured online course that covers a specific area of your expertise. Host it on your website or other platforms.

Benefits: Scalability, passive income potential, establishes you as an authority in your field.

Earnings: Starter courses typically sell for under £100.

My Experience: My latest 12-week program is £2,000. For every ten I sell, that’s £20,000.

Potential Income: Selling just one course per month at £2,000 can generate £2,000 a month and £24,000 a year.

Online Platforms: Host your course on established platforms like Udemy or Teachable.

Website: Promote and sell your course directly from your website.

Email Marketing: Use your email list to promote the course launch and updates.

Social Media: Share snippets and teasers on your social media profiles.
Webinars: Host free webinars to provide value and promote your course.


Bundle your expertise into a signature program taught over several days or weeks. This hands-on approach can be more lucrative and impactful.

How It Works: Design a program that can be delivered in person or online, covering comprehensive training in your area of expertise.

Benefits: Higher earning potential, direct interaction with students, builds your reputation as an expert.

Earnings: Programs typically sell for £200-£2,000.

My Experience: I’ve often sold these from events and made thousands in a day.

Potential Income: Running a £2,000 program for 10 participants can make you £20,000 for the session.

Workshops and Seminars: Organise live events and promote through your network. Sell your course from the event.

Online Courses: Break down your program into a smaller part and sell it as a taster course, then upsell the full program.

Partnerships: Collaborate with other educators or institutions to broaden your reach.

Direct Marketing: Use direct marketing tactics to reach prospects.

Become a Coach or Consultant

Provide one-on-one or group support to guide others to success based on your expertise. This personalised approach can command higher fees and offer significant value to your clients.

How It Works: Offer coaching or consulting services to individuals or businesses. This can be done in person, over the phone, or through video calls.

Benefits: High earning potential, flexible scheduling, impactful client relationships.

Earnings: Typically, £100-£300 per session, rising to £1,000 an hour for highly experienced coaches.

My Experience: My last group coaching mastermind earned me £3,750 an hour for my time.

Potential Income: Coaching two clients at £3,000 each for ten sessions can generate £6,000 just from two clients. I once sold a 1-1 coaching package for private clients at £5,000 each for 3 coaching sessions, earning £25,000 for delivering expertise to just 5 clients.

Website: Create a dedicated coaching or consulting page.

Referrals: Encourage satisfied clients to refer others.

Networking Events: Attend industry events to meet potential clients.

Content Marketing: Share valuable content that showcases your expertise.

Social Media: Use platforms like LinkedIn to connect with potential clients.

To inspire and motivate you, here are some of my personal successes in building side hustle income streams:

Affiliate Sales: Thousands earned from £800 per sale by promoting other people’s programs.

Digital Courses: Sold courses from £17 up to £1,997 each.

12-Week Programs: Earned £2,000 per sale, making thousands from events.

Group Coaching: Made £3,750 per hour in my last mastermind group.

High-Ticket Coaching & Consulting: Charged £36,000 per client annually.

I’ve done six-figure masterminds, six-figure events, and multi six-figure challenges.

I’ve made seven figures through other income streams.

My very first side hustle was doing a JV with someone and creating my first course, Facebook Marketing for Salon Owners, which made me £1,000. My next was a 12-week program I sold for £1,000 and sold 12, making £12,000 in 12 weeks, which took me a couple of hours a week. This was back in 2010.

I have 14 years of experience in this field, so I’m qualified to share with you in more depth an opportunity to build the intimate salon side hustle with me.

There are 2 ways I can help you cash in

1- I’ll certify and train you and give you a slice of my coaching business with ongoing support

2- I’ll coach you to scale your coaching or education business

Go here to find out more

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Sign up for the event today and take the first step towards diversifying your income and achieving financial stability. Let’s explore these opportunities together and elevate your salon business to new heights.